Technical Errors Actors Consistently Make!!!

These are few of what itch Directors out:
  • Directors are extremely uncomfortable when an actor directs their off-camera looks to them.  Nothing to worry since you can either use the reader who can play all characters, or choose a spot to the side of the camera, as long as it's not far from the camera.
  • Gadgets nowadays are pretty high-tech but you need to make sure that you are heard when you talk while on camera
  • Welcome criticism from your Director, it is meant to better your skills in acting and not the other way around. Accept it with wide open arms
  • If you don't know a name or a word on your lines, Google it. Let everyone know you take your job seriously.
  • Bring all requirements noted for the audition, if they say bring a hard copy of your CV, just do it.
  • Always list your height on your CV. After all, when casting a group, they have to imagine how you'll look with the rest of the team.
  • If you're auditioning for a role in the US, and you're from another country, put a note on your application. If you're not a big star, they most certainly not pay for your Visa, or may not have enough time to wait for you to arrive in  the US
  • Research and organize. Know the lines you're reading, and if you'll submit your demo reels have a separate one for drama and comedy. Again, always read your script and learn it before the audition.
Here are a few more you need to think about:

     Get the basics done

What I mean by this is getting a professional-looking headshot done along with a business card, IMDB page with credits and a subscription to IMDB Pro, also get your reel done professionally, lastly and most importantly, visit acting studios in LA or anywhere near you and enroll yourself to an acting class.

These things are all necessary to get you started with your career in acting, along with the business card that you can hand out when you are on an acting event.

LA Acting Studios offer several classes and Actor Reel Services, along with a possibility for an internship.

     Acting classes

If you think you don’t need one, then think again. Meryl Streep still takes acting classes, Anne Hathaway still takes classes from coaches from time to time, even Sylvester Stallone trained with one of the best coaches for Rocky Balboa and all he got is his first Oscar Nomination.

Working with coaches and directors can help young actors network and work your way around the industry.

LA Acting Studios is working with an award-winning director, “David Rountree”. He is listed in IMDb and the Hollywood Reporter as one of the Top 10 directors under 40, David is a full-time director and accomplished actor/teacher who can help you out in your acting journey.

     Attitude issues

Happens all the time and mostly done by young inexperienced actors. A good example is showing up late, insensitive to other casts, and definitely not being rude. 

     Being unprofessional

Get ahead of yourself and learn your lines before going to set. No one wants to work with someone who needs 20+ takes to get it right especially if you’ve had the scripts for more than a week.

Be professional, courteous, friendly, respectful, and on time. Know your lines like you have practiced it a million times and chances are, you just might be asked for a bigger job

     Learn from someone else's mistake

Don’t be a fool and make the same mistakes that your colleagues have gone through. It is better to learn from others than making your own mistakes. Start networking and learn.

     Again, professionalism

If you got a callback, attend it. If you can’t notify, kindly request for a reschedule and make sure to attend the next one.

     Never burn bridges

In the acting industry, making connections and networking is highly important. This is how you learn of spots you can audition to before they even look for people outside their circle.


Attend festivals, get your business card ready you can hand over. Yes, this is important, you need to know the business side of this business. Visit some actors studio and check their Classes, see if you can attend one of their classes, learn and network there.


Make it easy for everyone to look you up. Make sure your social media accounts have the same name, especially IMDB. If IMDB had it wrong, call them and have them correct it.

The best of luck to you!

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