Managing Your Jealousy As An Actor

Do you ever end up getting jealous of your colleagues who are getting professional acting jobs? Have you compared yourself to your colleagues who are in the pick of their career? Ever felt depressed and down because you are envious of someone else’s success?

You don't have to worry, it is only natural to feel that way in such situations, particularly given the industry’s background and its competitive nature. Comparing yourself to someone you know or idolize happens to everyone. That being said, envy is never good for anyone. Use the comparison to improve yourself, and not to negatively impact your life.

What you need is to believe that there is a piece of you that is limitlessly sufficiently canny to believe that all that you have inside you is enough.

You also have to remember that what you see in public is probably what they want you to see, every single person goes through daily dilemma, whether it is easy to resolve issues, or an ongoing problem, we are all going through it, so remember to be kind and appreciative.

None of these emotions are unfamiliar to me, simply because we grew up in a society that promotes competition. I just constantly remind myself who I really am and would often evaluate and set plans for what I can do to improve my situation.

Before you do something about your jealousy, think first. Yes, it often brings emotional pain, and an occasional police report (if you get what I mean).

Life is full of surprises, and a close friend getting a big role could be a surprise that might be hard to handle, that question now is how would you prepare for it? for the fear that you will never get there? That answer to that is, you don't. You encounter it when it occurs.

Even high paying actors get rejected, don't get discouraged as we all get it, it is part of life. Being an actor, you have to have a thick skin to endure all the rejection, and even if you don’t, remind yourself why you love acting.

Now, the question is, are you doing your best when you audition? don't get scared, give your all, that's how you enhance your skills. Make sure you have a professional looking headshot that is current, not a headshot of you a year ago. Have a demo reel professionally filmed for you. LA Acting Studios offer actor reel services and several other Acting Classes in LA that you can choose from.

Get a mentor, you deserve it! Why did you ask? It is better to learn from someone else’s mistake than repeat theirs. Having a mentor gives you that edge of working with someone familiar in the industry and knows the hoops and loops. Someone who knows people that can advance your career. In this industry, you have network your way into Hollywood, what a better way to do so than to have a mentor who already has the networks you need to succeed.

Visit at an Actors studio and attend an acting workshop near your area. Don’t just really on your mentor for networking, do it yourself. Learn from your co-actors. As an actor acting during class gives you this relief that you are free to learn your style even if that means committing mistakes. It is an open space to learn from your co-actors feedback or learn from your Director’s advice without damaging your career. It is a venue for you to experiment and sharpen your craft.

As an actor, be open, get out there, get a referral. Let everyone know you are an actor and be proud of it!

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