7 Tips on How to Become an Actor with No Experience

There are a lot of aspiring actors who are just starting up in this industry and are clueless on how to land an acting job when you have nothing to show on your actig resume. I understand how this can be confusing for most, particularly for those who just finished acting school or for those who jump right in to the industry without any training at all.

Good news is, you can become an actor even without any experience. You have to start somewhere, just like everybody else in this industry.

The key is really making a move and doing something all together to get that experience, and there are a couple of things that you can do which I'll discuss below.

When you've decided that you do want to seek after a career in acting, you'll need a plan of action on the most proficient method to turn into an actor with no experience. Your fundamental objective will be to extend your acting resume with skills, experience and training.

There are numerous things aspiring actors can concentrate on in order to advance their careers and they're altogether interrelated. A portion of those include searching for jobs, and others are just complimentary to your acting career that will in the long run result in you finding and booking more auditions.

Here are 7 tips for aspiring actor like you who is just starting out:

1. Study, Read, Study
For someone who is new to the industry, you need to learn the ins and outs of the acting industry. There are a lot of articles and books you can read online. You can visit an Actors Studio and see what you can learn. This will give you the understanding of where you want to be and how you're getting there.

LA Acting Studios have several articles that will definitely help a lot with your career. Check them out here.

When you are trying to find the most proficient ways on the best way to turn into an actor with no experience, self-education is extremely valuable.

2. Don't make an impulsive decision like moving to Hollywood right away
At this point, you most likely realize that certain cities have a bigger theater or film and television industry. In the event that you're beginning your acting career in one these communities, that is a good news for you – you'll have a lot of chances from the get go.

Be that as it may, in case you're not in any of those cities, don't fuss about it. As a aspiring actor who is simply starting out, your town will most likely have a lot of small-time productions which are totally GREAT for getting that experience because those jobs are easier to book. Less competition, the better for your starting career.

Actors in big cities are highly competitive and living expenses are often too expensive. So when you are searching for ways on the best way to turn into an actor with no experience when you live in a smaller town, focus on saving a lot, studying and learning the business, and exploring opportunities near you.

Build your acting resume where there are less competition, like in small towns and develop your craft there before deciding to move to the big cities.

3. Tryout and train locally
As an aspiring actor, your goal is to start slow, rushing into anything won't do you any good.

So what can you explore? Anything, whatever gives you an opportunity to act. You need to start acting, whether it is at a community theater, drama clubs, acting workshops, etc.

The objective is to begin building your resume. Be proactive and jump on any project you can.

LA Acting Studios offer several acting classes depending on what you need. Check our classes here. Our Acting workshops in LA also offer actor reel services

4. Work on what you excel on
Your main goal is to be a good actor, but that doesn't mean you can't explore other skills that will land you jobs. What skills should you learn? Anything, like accents, instruments, sports, martial arts, magic and what not. Put them on your resume and see how it can help you land more jobs. A good example of how this can help you is encountering a hiring producer who would prefer to work with a musician/actor so they don't have to hire two individuals for one role.

5. Market yourself
You don't have to do it right away but here are some you can focus on:
  • Get yourself a website of your own
  • Create social media accounts w/ same brand names
  • Be active on your website and all of your accounts
  • Connect and build your network with other actors, directors, producers, writers, and people in the industry.
6. Get used to being REJECTED
This is something that even well-known actors go through. We've all been there and so are new actors will. Get used to it.

7. Be polite, patient, consistent, and have a good manner towards everyone
Even if you have the skills needed and you are highly qualified for the role, if you are not easy to work with, it's most likely you won't get the job.


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