
Want to Return to Acting Later in Life?

If you are in that stage in life where you have accomplished and achieved all you should and can for your family or yourself and you feel it is time to go back to what you love, then know that you are not alone in this road and should not be taken so lightly as this journey requires support and encouragement from people around you. It is time to give back the passion you once gave up for whatever reason it may be. Here are things you need to know that will help you make this a little easier: I know that going back might be overwhelming as it feels like starting all over again, but know that going back after so many years of living a different life means more experience you can bring in to your acting career. You can use all of that experience to fuel your skills and bring authenticity to your acting. Tell the people you have a network within the industry that you are back, they might have something to offer. You'll never know. The acting industry needs people


Knowing an actor means differently for a lot of people, they can give you a positive reaction, but often you get a negative response even from friends. The question now is not what you hear but how you respond to it because it reflects your identity as an actor and how you take pride in what you do. Whether you are a seasoned actor, someone who is starting out, on the limelight, getting paid or not, remember that you are the reason to where you are right now, in a good place or not, taking baby steps is always a good way to go. Rushing things in the acting industry might be your downfall so be careful with an eagerness to success coz we all want it, it is only a matter of how we control want we want and what do we really need. Don't forget to give credit where it's due, celebrate small wins! Trying a career in acting is entirely different once you are decided to venture into Hollywood. When you are working in an industry where the number of actors is too many fo

7 Tips on How to Become an Actor with No Experience

There are a lot of aspiring actors who are just starting up in this industry and are clueless on how to land an acting job when you have nothing to show on your actig resume. I understand how this can be confusing for most, particularly for those who just finished acting school or for those who jump right in to the industry without any training at all. Good news is, you can become an actor even without any experience. You have to start somewhere, just like everybody else in this industry. The key is really making a move and doing something all together to get that experience, and there are a couple of things that you can do which I'll discuss below. When you've decided that you do want to seek after a career in acting, you'll need a plan of action on the most proficient method to turn into an actor with no experience. Your fundamental objective will be to extend your acting resume with skills, experience and training. There are numerous things aspirin

Managing Your Jealousy As An Actor

Do you ever end up getting jealous of your colleagues who are getting professional acting jobs? Have you compared yourself to your colleagues who are in the pick of their career? Ever felt depressed and down because you are envious of someone else’s success? You don't have to worry, it is only natural to feel that way in such situations, particularly given the industry’s background and its competitive nature. Comparing yourself to someone you know or idolize happens to everyone. That being said, envy is never good for anyone. Use the comparison to improve yourself, and not to negatively impact your life. What you need is to believe that there is a piece of you that is limitlessly sufficiently canny to believe that all that you have inside you is enough. You also have to remember that what you see in public is probably what they want you to see, every single person goes through daily dilemma, whether it is easy to resolve issues, or an ongoing problem, we are al

Technical Errors Actors Consistently Make!!!

These are few of what itch Directors out: Directors are extremely uncomfortable when an actor directs their off-camera looks to them.  Nothing to worry since you can either use the reader who can play all characters, or choose a spot to the side of the camera, as long as it's not far from the camera. Gadgets nowadays are pretty high-tech but you need to make sure that you are heard when you talk while on camera Welcome criticism from your Director, it is meant to better your skills in acting and not the other way around. Accept it with wide open arms If you don't know a name or a word on your lines, Google it. Let everyone know you take your job seriously. Bring all requirements noted for the audition, if they say bring a hard copy of your CV, just do it. Always list your height on your CV. After all, when casting a group, they have to imagine how you'll look with the rest of the team. If you're auditioning for a role in the US, and you'

Building a Character

Acting is being in character. A few actors get away with not building characters for certain movies but audiences often know the difference, particularly on stage. They probably won't have the capacity to articulate why certain on-screen actors are "extraordinary" and others aren't, however it's ordinarily in light of the fact that some are character builders and others don't take the time. In view of that, here are two ways to make and possess convincing, firm, complete characters who can draw in with the story and world of a script. It can be consolidated or utilized in isolation however the true objective continues as before: to make a character that catches the attention of the audience, that is fulfilling to play and uses your creative energy. ●      4 Ws As an actor, asking yourself questions like "Who, when, why, and where" enable actors to know a character profoundly. Start by discovering as much as you could from the script,

Having A MENTOR Gives You an Edge in Your Acting Career!

In most careers, having a mentor is necessary for you to succeed. There is no specific step by step pattern that you can follow, what you need is the guidance of someone who knows the ins and outs in the industry. It may not be an ideal set up for some but it is a must. Yes, you can be your own mentor but that will take the time you can’t earn back, a mentor can save you from that. A mentor is someone who is there to guide you with your goal. One of the many reasons why it is important to have one is when you are on stage or have a performance, it's always nice to have an advocate to boost your confidence and help you grow in your profession. Pieces of Advice to avoid usual setbacks in the industry is a great help to move forward. Now I understand that finding a mentor is easy, but having one is quite difficult. This is where your social skills kicks in. Approach a potential mentor and ask him/her for a cup of coffee, be friendly, gain her confidence. Don’t ask your po